Welcome to my "SHOW AND TELL FRIDAY"
I would like to thank Cindy from My Romantic Home for being our host.
Be sure to go see what everyone else has for Show and Tell. I can't wait to go have a look myself.
My post is a tribute along with a show and tell. This picture was made by my Great Aunt Ida many, many years ago. It hangs on my wall in my home now.
It is made of cloth that is stuffed where the deer are. Do you notice the fish?? I remember her making this when I was just a little girl, it was a LONG time ago. I think it goes perfectly in our home. Our home is a log cabin.
The picture hangs on the same wall as this light fixture. My husband made these lights for me using his fathers snowshoes. (I have a pair of course) In this snowshoe is a fishing basket, in the basket is a sign that also belonged to Aunt Ida, it hung in her camp on Lake Champlain and it reads: WARNING-there is a trap gun in this camp, if you attempt to enter you do so at your own risk. KEEP OUT!!
It has her signature on the bottom.
Now really, there was no trap gun in the camp but she figured it MAY work if someone was going to break in......
Anyways, I love it and it is now in my home.
This was her little piece of heaven on the lake!!
I hope you enjoyed my show and tell.
Thanks for stopping by.
That is a beautiful view of the lake and the picture with all the deer is neat. Thank's for stopping by today......Julian
What a peaceful place! Love your header too!
My mother and oldesr sister made these same pictures years ago. Have not seen them anywhere else. Must have been the craft of the time.
Great picture from your great Aunt Ida! Thanks for sharing! Donna...the 3rd sister
I have never seen a picture like that before...how neat. I love the little warning sign :)
That was a wonderful way to pay tribute to our Aunt Ida. I too remember that great picture and the sign. She will live forever in our hearts. Thank you for sharing.
Very nice piece of artwork.
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