A dear friend of mine gave me this book the other night.
Her daughter was thinking of doing some painting but she then had her little daughter, and we all know what happens to most of us then, no time right now for these sorts of things, maybe later on!!
Right away the bird on the cover made my heart soar, so beautiful, look at the vivid colors (camera is still not getting the colors correctly).
The more I started thumbing through the more excited I got.
I wish I had this book when I was making my "Bird Song" tags for a swap, you can see that post here.
OH well, I will just have to make more...
I am wondering if I should frame some of these, these pages are that good??
I can't draw a stick figure that well...
I could of taken pictures of all the birds in this book for all of you, but just to many for a post.
Figgy is coming this weekend for an overnight visit. I am going to ask her to teach me how to make a collage of pictures or say three pictures for my header here on my blog. I would just love to use three or four of these pictures as my header, what do you think??
She has one that has come onto her property recently.
She said she loves this bird so I am going to make her a gift with a copy of this bird. I will share that when I am finished.
I am wondering, if any of my blog friends would like to do a swap with me for a tag (see post link above on sample of some of my bird tags) I would be happy to make a tag using a copy of one of these bird images. I feel I want to share these beautiful pictures.
Let me know by leaving me a comment here on this post.
Thanks for stopping by.