Wednesday, July 28, 2010
We are having a family vacation. My family is here from Nevada and Arizona. Here is Destini trying out the boogie board.
This is Chantal, this was a number 10 by the way.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
I LOVE my new craft space. This all started back a few weeks ago when I took part in a blog party, see my post here:
I needed to move my space from our basement livingroom area, my office area and this room combined. This is the final outcome. I NEED a chair now.
There are two tables here for now. Hubby will build me a bar height work counter more toward fall time, this will have to do for now. As I mentioned in my other post I prefer to stand while creating.
In the green dresser I have more storage, vintage and antique greeting cards and post cards mostly.
I love to have my ribbons, lace and trims out where I can see them. I think they make fantastic decorations and I just love them around me.
I also love to look at my box of vintage sewing patterns and jugs and glass filled with my buttons. I also like to have some of our crafted items out as well, our magnets that are popular and other items I think are special.
Here is more shelf storage. See those magazines, right shelf, third shelf down, these are a few out of my collection of Somerset Studio Magazines. I SOOOOO LOVE these and I never get rid of any.
The crates on the floor hold my ephemera papers and all sorts of paper goodies in file folders so I can find paper items by category. This picture here is the last of the trash that hubby has hauled out. We have purged and scaled down to say the least. We had a yard sale, we heaved and we howed!! This is the final result and I am happy and most of all I can't wait to get creative in my new space. I have some new ideas for projects (I found things, you know) so I will look forward to all of this and all of that.
Thanks for stopping by.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Sence we decided to close the gift shop we now get the chance to decorate with some of the crafts and items we had left over. I thought we would share some with you. Maybe you will be inspired, too. This white birch bark canoe is one of my favorite items to decorate for any reason what so ever. The green and pink flower items I bought on clearance at Walmart. Do you notice the very old beeskep?? Also, there are two circus wooden rings.
We had alot of vintage flour sifters left over, I decided to put this plant in one.
This old watering can has some of our famous magnets on it. We used monolopy game pieces and put magnets on the backs, these were popular in our shop, here is a couple that were left over. When we would go
Friday, July 9, 2010
I have posted a couple of "Vintage Ephemera Kits" on etsy. Go on over and take a peek (click on the title above, it will bring you right there) These kits can be used to make a vintage ephemera book, you can use your own vintage book cover, make a journal for yourself or give as a gift. Use these items in your scrapbooking projects and more. This kit is called "I WILL COOK AND SEW"
The kit contains some of the following (see detailed description on etsy) dictionary pages, vintage sewing pattern, cut outs from vintage Home Journal Magazines, greeting cards.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
I have not blogged in a few days, other than to do a 4th blog party. I would like to catch up on some activities I have promised and share with you my family and friends 4th weekend. This is a display as you enter our home, Happy 4th Of July!!! I love my rusty ole truck!!
This is someone's grammy in the Alburgh 4th of July parade. I love, love this photo.
Here is my figgy with her Emma Bean taking a ride in the pram.
Here is Brian giving Emma a ride on the four wheeler. Emma does all things humans do.
Here is our collection of sea glass. We love combing the beach for treasures. Some family members have found valuable old glass bottles and such. Notice the vintage soda bottle piece of glass. Here is a small collection of our sea glass, we love to collect it.
Here is the Missy Jean, all set up and ready for a fishing trip.
This photo ends a fantastic family day and a wonderful holiday weekend.
Here are some photos to share of our yard sale we posted a picture about, back in the spring time. It rained all day that day but it did not stop the yard sale customers, they are tough individuals to say the least.
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