I am so inspired by my new embellishment items and the theme "RUSTIC VINTAGE".

These items will be listed in our etsy shop in the next day or so. If you can drop on over and have a looksie, there will be more there.
Soooo...I have been grunging materials, using more of our stamps and just plain old trying different ideas and techniques. What do you think??

These bow type embellishments can be used to decorate just about anything from tables, chairs, gifts, gift bags, scrapbooking, altered art, ephemera book making, gift giving, the possibilites are endless.
How about a Rustic Vintage Wedding!! Now there is a thought!!
These little bundle bows come in different sizes and different materials, some have paper, tule, vintage ribbon, lace, vintage trims stained with coffee, just plain grunged up with dyes and such, with some sparkles added, who knows what is in these little darlings.

I have also been busy with my stamps, new stamps and some old stamps. I love to stamp now, what great fun I've been having. I love making the "rustic vintage" wedding tags. Again, the possibilites for the use of these are endless as well.

I LOVE the old truck!!
Here I have taken a paper doily and stamped it up with the same theme.

I hope you enjoyed my new items. I am excited to get them in our shop to see what the interest may be.
Thanks for stopping by.
Michele & Minyele
and Willy, too!!