Welcome to "A Week of Vignettes" #7
If you have come back to the party, welcome back.
If you are new to the posts let me explain; I've been trying (through all the rain) to get our porch ready for the summer season.
I have posted a vignette each day this week so far. If you would like to see vignette # 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 just click on home at the end of this post where you will see them all at once.

This is a round (dining room) table where we eat our meals during the summer months. This table is just by the door that leads into the house.
I love to offer up a vignette on this table, it is a great spot that greats our visitors.
If you are a regular follower to my blog you have seen this area decorated many times, during holidays and such.

Using a vintage minnow bucket I arranged dried flowers (from my friend Barb's garden).
Also tucked in there is an antique

A canoe made from white birch tree bark holds more pine cones.
A black wooden sign that reads "Welcome".
A very little birds nest is a beautiful touch don't you think?
Did I mention I love to use all things from nature?

An extra vignette I've added in this post.
The wooden stand was made for Figgy for her wedding in 2006. It still has some of the twigs and fun curly twigs.
It is covered with red lights that look so nice in the dark.
The black game board was handmade for the game aggravation, this game board has been around, dare I say 30 plus years...
A vintage yard stick and a wooden boat look great in there, too.
A lot of the things that one may find tucked in here and there, are items that has belonged to family members, I love to have these items around for the happy reminders that they are.

Did I mention I am obsessed with creating vignettes out of everything??
Stayed tuned for tomorrow.
Thanks for stopping by.