WELCOME to my "ONE WORLD ONE HEART" blog post.
Last year I took part in this large blog party where you meet other bloggers from all over the world. I made many friends last year and I visited many blogs myself. I follow many of these blogs today.
I would like to thank Lisa over at "A WHIMSICAL BOHEMIAN" for all of her devotion to this event.
Please go on over to Lisa's blog where you will find a list of all the other participants, fly on the wings of a one world one heart tour with some other bloggers, you may be very surprised where you may end up in the world.
I would like to thank all of you that follow my blog (this makes me happy) and I would like to meet all that stop by during this event so be sure to leave me a comment so I can see that you stopped by.
Let me share a little bit about myself.
A few little things that inspire me and some things that I absolutely love.
The other day I realized I must get ready for this event. I also joined in on some swaps that I need to start on. This is what my studio looked like after my last project. OH MY GOSH......
Saturdays I go to our local auction house. I love, love this place. I don't know what I could possibly want or need there, just more buttons and such to hoard I guess. Oh, and ribbon and lace, I hoard that, too.
A lovely vintage lace dress and a picture of someones aunt I surmised.
Some bling in a box.
An old calendar. I bid on this, but I am frugal so I was not the winning bidder.
A large wasp nest and a Clorox bottle. I already have a wasp nest like this.
And this accordion, who needs an accordion I ask you??
This is my find this week, I purchased this because next week I may purchase more buttons to put in it.....
When I got back I finished up my studio cleaning, I think I am all set now for all of my visitors.
I keep a lot of my keepsakes here.
I LOVE to join swaps. I treasure each and every item that is sent to me.
Here is a few items I have created.
Embellished organza bags with vintage lace and trims.
I am offering up six (6) of these bags as my giveaway to one lucky winner.
This hanging collage is of my parents. This hangs in my studio.
This hanging collage is my dad as a little boy, and is on the wall of our spare room.
I have a dress form that I dress for the holidays.
This is a harvest dress.
A Halloween collage I made for Figgy. Halloween is her favorite holiday, next to Christmas.
"Emma Bean Designs"
We do local farmers markets, large outdoor events and fall and spring craft shows.
These dog bandanas were Figgy's idea.
(the inspiration behind the bandanas)
I will do a drawing on February 17th. Be sure to leave a comment and a way to get in touch with me, should you be the winner of these beauties.
I love doing this.
This is a holiday dress.
A bird nest.